Schlagwort: künstliche Intelligenz
Exciting News!As we witness the widespread integration of AI into every facet of our lives, the need for responsible oversight and unbiased solutions has never been more pressing….
28. June 202311:25 – 11:55 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Panel: Decoding the Dilemma: Ethical Considerations in AI Ramak Molavi Vasse’i, Digital Rights Advocate & Research Lead AI Transparency, The Law Technologist Carina…
The question of our trust in artificial intelligences like ChatGPT will be discussed by Patrick van der Smagt, head of the Machine Learning Research Lab at Volkswagen, cybersecurity…
Vortrag über Transparenzanforderungen an Künstliche Intelligenz. Einführung in die Erklärbarkeit bei Maschinellem Lernen auf dem 20. @kit-Kongress Forum „Kommunikation & Recht“ 7.-8. April 2022 Berlin Programm:
After artificial intelligence has increasingly moved into the public discourse in recent years, it is now also increasingly the subject of scientific and practice-relevant debates within the legal industry. With…
Workshop zu Algorithmen und Sozialen Medien Diesen Fragen gehen wir in einem Abendworkshop am 15. Juni 2021 mit Netz-Juristin Ramak Molavi und Marketingforscher Prof. André Haller auf den Grund….