Schlagwort: ai act

Beyond the Rules: Regulatory Frontiers of AI & Data

LAILEC 2024 At LAILEC, we will delve into the multifaceted realm of responsible AI governance and technology regulation, particularly given the EU AI Act’s recent approval. Topics will…

In Transparency we Trust?

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Watermarking and Labeling AI-Generated Content *Key Findings of our New AI Report* Human-facing disclosure methods fall short Methods, such as visible labels and audible…

Scrutinising Meta’s Transparency Announcements

We have just combed through an in-depth analysis of Meta’s transparency updates for Facebook and Instagram and have penned a report on how significant these changes are. Read…

AI in Healthcare – IBM Health Industry Lab

Wir diskutieren am 6.7.2023 zu den Chancen und der ethischen Gestaltung von KI in der stationären Versorgung. Hier geht es zur Anmeldung. Lessons Learned, Auswirkungen auf die Versorgung,…

Panel: Decoding the Dilemna. Ethical Considerations in AI

28. June 202311:25 – 11:55 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Panel: Decoding the Dilemma: Ethical Considerations in AI Ramak Molavi Vasse’i, Digital Rights Advocate & Research Lead AI Transparency, The Law Technologist Carina…

In Tech We Trust?

The question of our trust in artificial intelligences like ChatGPT will be discussed by Patrick van der Smagt, head of the Machine Learning Research Lab at Volkswagen, cybersecurity…

European Center for Algorithmic Transparency

Today is the launch of ECAT in Seville. Join our expert workshop. I will be sharing the findings from our report on AI Transparency in Practice. Watch the…

AI Transparency in Practice @Mozfest

It’s happening: we’re launching the AI Transparency in Practice Research Report today! Ramak Molavi, lead of Mozilla Foundation’s Meaningful AI Transparency research project, and Jesse McCrosky, Head of…

Report: AI Transparency in Practice

Transparency is at the heart of responsible AI. In this study, we explore the concept of meaningful AI transparency, which aims to provide useful and actionable information tailored…

The present and future of Trustworthy AI

The Machine Learning in Healthcare Meetup Berlin, & K.I.E.Z. Künstliche Intelligenz Entrepreneurship Zentrumcordially invite you to join us for a thought-provoking event as we delve into the current state and future…

GPT-4 & the legal sphere: 3 Key Areas of Incompatibility

Author: Ramak Molavi Vasse’i People have a range of unmet legal needs due to limited or dysfunctional access to justice. The legal profession is looking for ways to…

Ethische Grundsätze für den Einsatz von KI in der Justiz

Im zweiten Teil unserer RiVinar-Reihe „Künstliche Intelligenz und Gerichtsbarkeit“ am Mittwoch, dem 25. Jänner 2023, Beginn 15 Uhr 00, widmen wir uns dem Schwerpunkt „Ethische Grundsätze für den…

Künstliche Intelligenz und Gerichtsbarkeit

Workshop der Richtervereinigung 6. Oktober 2022, Justizpalast. Programm 10.30 Uhr Begrüßung 10.35 Uhr Ramak MOLAVI Künstliche Intelligenz in der Justiz – Einführung und ethischePrinzipien 12.00 Uhr Mittagspause 13.00…

Transparenzanforderungen an KI

Transparenz ist nicht nur eine zentrale rechtliche Anforderung an Künstliche Intelligenz, sondern auch eine notwendige Voraussetzung für die Verwirklichung von Haftung und Verantwortung sowie die Kontrolle der korrekten…

AI & Law I recode:law conference

After artificial intelligence has increasingly moved into the public discourse in recent years, it is now also increasingly the subject of scientific and practice-relevant debates within the legal industry. With…