Schlagwort: ai
We are delighted to invite you to the Online Expert Discussion on „Unlocking the Potential of GPT-3 in the Legal Sphere“ on 8 February, 2023, 2:30-5:00pm CET via…
Vortrag über Transparenzanforderungen an Künstliche Intelligenz. Einführung in die Erklärbarkeit bei Maschinellem Lernen auf dem 20. @kit-Kongress Forum „Kommunikation & Recht“ 7.-8. April 2022 Berlin Programm:
Join us today at the AI & Movies Conference MTT20 to discuss opportunities and impacts of AI in creative industries. #konradwolf #babelsberg #ai #sustainabletech #sustainabletech #erichpommer
We have to think interdisciplinary. This is why The Law Technologist will start a series of interviews to reflect different views on the current developement of AI (algorithmic…